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RF Ablation

Hi. I just saw a presentation about RF Ablation, and how it can reduce pain from bone mets (particularly spine) by up to 90%! I of course am interested, but find myself being defeatist by wondering if all the pain and trouble and expense will be worth it since I am Stage IV and won't know how long I'll be here anyway. Feeling defeated and sad today. Does anyone else have experience with RF Ablation? I was dx with Stage IV with a softball size tumor in my pelvis in March 2019. I had immediate rads and was taking letrozole. Am now taking exemestane since I seem better able to tolerate the bone and muscle aches associated with these meds. Thanks for any info you have.

  1. Hi there! I don't know a lot about RF Ablation, but I am reaching out to you because you feel defeated and sad. And you wonder if this procedure is worth it since you are Stage IV.

    I don't know what presentation you saw, and if it was online and is something the rest of us can access, I'd love to learn more from the source you got this information from. I was under the impression that this technique could eliminate pain (better than 90%) in treated lesions... but maybe that is not the case for everyone. Have you asked your oncologist if you might be a candidate for this?

    As for the question of certain treatments and us living with Stage IV/MBC, whether or not something is "worth it" is a very individualized decision. What we consider "quality of life" can vary, too. Since a lot of us with MBC can be around for a while, we can't make decisions solely based on the fact we are Stage IV. There are people with Stage IV who are around for 15 years and more. Are you bone-only with your mets?

    Tell me more about what you are experiencing and I'll try to help you get more information to bring to your oncologist. In the meantime, hang in there. I am listening, and am always here to support you.

    Mary Cos (Team Member)

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