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How is diagnosis defined ?I do not know whether I have it or not.

How is metastatic defined? what other terms are used?

  1. This is a very interesting question, friend! I feel like there could be a very different response depending on the person.
    There’s also a clinical response as well, and depending on how folks have been educated on the disease, I’m sure the answer will differ. I hope you get a lot of different responses!

    Terminal, chronic, and lifelong care are terms that come to mind here.
    -Steph (team member)

    1. Hi . To build off of what Steph said, a clinical response of metastatic breast cancer would be:

      Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) is when cancer has spread beyond the breast tissue to other areas of the body. When breast cancer spreads to other organs, it commonly spreads to the lungs, the bones, the liver, and/or the brain. However, it can also potentially spread to other parts of the body. Despite where cancer may spread, it is still considered breast cancer, as the cancer is named for where it originated. I'm including an article here that describes metastatic and advanced breast cancer in more depth:

      Have you discussed your concerns with your health care team? Let us know how we can help.

      Warmly, Patty, Team Member

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