Ever heard of scanxiety? It describes the fear and anxiety that can set in leading up to an imaging scan, during the scan, and while waiting for results. Diagnostic and follow-up scans may include mammograms, MRIs, CT, or PET scans, and bone scans.
I tell myself that I am grounded in my Faith and what is is but before my last scan, I had all kinds of new areas of pain and my imagination just went wild and yet my scan demonstrated the best results yet to my present treatment. So I have to say YES, I do experience scan anxiety. Have another scan coming up and I am determined to keep my fears under control because they do not change reality
sarah.wallin Community Admin
Last Updated:
Thank you for weighing in. You're definitely not the only one who has experienced the anxiety that comes before a scan. I think many people here can relate to that. A lot of people say it builds leading up to the day you have your next one. Let us know how you're feeling, we're here to support you. -Sarah (AdvancedBreastCancer.net Team Member)
StellaRe1971 Member
Last Updated:
I still have slight anxiety and try to be positive and rely on my faith. The last time it was a little less anxious because of continued no NED... but I just try to remain calm and know that I am doing well and hopeful to continue.
beth.huffman Member
Last Updated:
Thanks for sharing with us! This is really all you can try to do when scan time comes... try to remain calm and keep your mind from racing in all different directions, but I understand it's much easier said than done. How are you doing today? Wonderul to hear you continue to to be NED from your recent scan. Sending you postiive thoughts and vibes. -Beth (Team Member)
CommunityMember2345134 Member
Last Updated:
I do not get scanxiety. I also believe what is, is and worrying will not change that. Worry steals time from me, time I could spend doing other things or even getting a good night's sleep. I am fully aware that there will come a time when scans will show that my current medication is no longer working and my treatment will need to change. I have had two small re-occurances which were taken care of with radiation. I acknowledge that my response has been exceptional and one day that will change until then I am living my best life possible. I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in 2008 and was in remission from 2009 to 2016. In 2016 I was diagnosed stage 4 with Mets to my bones.
Sarah56 Member
Last Updated:
YES! Even after years.
beth.huffman Member
Last Updated:
How are you doing today? Sadly I know you are not alone - it seems no matter how many years have passed, when the time comes...anxiety creeps in. Do you have any tips or tricks that have worked for you to help ease the scanxiety? Sending gentle hugs your way! -Beth (Team Member)