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Depression and anxiety

Hi y’all!

I would love to start a thread here now that the weather is shifting in most parts of the country. I always struggle with that, and with the cancer blues, it really sucks sometimes!
Things that can help with me are treating myself to a fun drink, reading a nice book, and taking a warm bath. Turning inwards and getting that self care in can really make a difference!

I invite you to share some tips here for more folks in the community to utilize! If you have any fun apps for anxiety, good books to read that are on your shelf, or anything at all to mention to the collective, share it here!

  1. this is a great topic! Now that it is March and the sun is shining more, I love to get outside and practice “grounding”. Grounding is when you just feel the Earth and connect with her vibe! Take your shoes off, walk through the grass, touch some trees, smell the flowers and just exist in the space with the other animals. It really centers and focuses me!

    1. ahhh grounding!!! I haven’t done that in a while- I need to! We have some beautiful grassy areas in the apartment complex I’m sure I could wander around in for a bit. Such a good idea- thanks friend!!! ❤️

  2. Hi Steph; I struggle in the winter, too. I grew up in Iowa, but I now live in Rochester, a patient at Mayo. I live in a nursing home because I am unable to live alone. I'm learning how to walk again so I can get out of this place. Since I'm stuck inside so much, I spend a lot of time reading. My master's thesis was the first one hundred pages of my memoir, so now I'm working to put it all together. Is publication in my future? I can't say, lol, but the project is huge enough to keep me busy. These are two ways I distract myself when I'm feeling sad and scared. Take good care!

    1. heyyyyy I hope you have some publication in the future! I love that. That situation can be very lonely, and I’m sure you’ve experienced it all, friend. If you ever want to send me a private message on here, my daughter would love to send you a postcard!
      -Steph (team member)

  3. Pain/weakness causes my anxiety/depression. I am on effexor,tramadol, dolophine and nortriptyline. These help about 50%. I have IBS.I take miralax daily,helps few days. Difficult travel plans. Therapy hasn't worked yet. All suggestions are welcome.

    1. if you’re ever in the mood, Cactus Cancer Society has meetups for folks living in cancerland. Togetherness can sometimes ease the depression a bit.

      If not, definitely talk to your doc about introducing mental health meds if you haven’t already. Especially if your physical state is playing into your mental state. There’s no shame to help your brain do the things! A lot of treatments zap our brain so much, it just can’t keep up and our depression and anxiety levels just spike.

      You are not alone. 🩷
      -Steph (team member)

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