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Coping with fears related to being mom with MBC

I was diagnosed with recurrence of breast cancer 4/24. I am stage 4 with bone Mets. I receive Enhertu and Zometa infusions. I am also going through a divorce and leaving an emotional, verbal and financial abusive spouse. I found an apartment for myself that I will move into in next 2 weeks. I have a 10 y/o son who is my heart. I yearn to do things and go places with him while I’m stable and independent. I cry every day when thoughts of not being there for him overwhelm me. I am working with a therapist to find ways to cope with my anticipatory grief. I have to focus on the now, not the unknown future. I’m trying to make yoga and meditation a habit, not a “if I feel up to it” talking to my therapist and close friends so helpful too.My son and I hiking mountain in Boulder

  1. my heart goes out to you. <3 You have gone through so much. I truly hope you know we care and are here to support you in any way possible. Hoping your upcoming move goes as smoothly as possible. I am so glad to hear you have a therapist that is helping you through this. How are you doing with incorporating yoga and meditation? I shared an article that I thought may be of interest - I also shared a guided meditation we have - Sending so many positive vibes and hugs your way. Please reach out anytime. Again, we are here. -Jessica (Team Member)

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