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Therapist in San Clemente, California who deal with breast cancer

Hello everyone my name is Tracy and I am an older woman. I’ve been through breast cancer and now my daughter has it. She called me today and said that she can’t find any therapists that were in her area to help her. She lives in San Clemente California and I don’t know what to do, I keep getting confused on the websites and I think I’m even posting the same things over and over again. I need somebody very desperately because she has a three-year-old little girl and a very, very unsupportive Butthead For support. I’m begging anybody to give me some tips. Thank you very much.

  1. hi there Tracy!!!

    First of all, my heart is with you during this time. Having your daughter go through something like this has to be really heartbreaking. I am so so so sorry. The unsupportive butthead doesn’t help either 😂

    I googled best oncs in the area and this is what I found: I usually google the best care in that area, and go from there. Looks like Hoag is up there for centers to treat, and City of Hope Orange County Lennar Foundation Cancer Center is another one I found.

    Let me know if you need any more help navigating this for your daughter. I’m so touched you reached out here!
    -Steph (team member)

    1. Thank you so much. Your response is greatly appreciated.

      1. of course friend! Keep me updated if you have the space to do so 🫶🏻

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