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Has anyone else experienced chemo anxiety?

I have the prescription for ANASTROZOLE in my hand. I feel paralyzed. If I take this med, it all gets very real. Have you experienced this?

  1. Hi Trish,

    You are absolutely not alone in this feeling of anxiety. Receiving a diagnosis is scary as it is, but actually starting treatment for said diagnosis takes that fear to another level. I know there’s not much we can say or do hear to take that fear away, but we will absolutely support you as you go through this process in any ways that we can! Keep us updated on how you’re doing❤️

    Sending love and hugs,
    Kay (Team Member)

    1. Thank you, Kay. I’m really thankful for this forum. It is my rope as I have been set adrift in white water.

      1. hi there Trish!!!

        Med anxiety is TOTALLY normal, and your feelings surrounding all of this are completely valid! You came to the right place 🤗

        I think talking about treatment and actually going through with treatment are soooo different, and you won’t realize it until it’s game time.

        I hope that you’ve found a little bit of comfort in community, and that you’ve been doing okay.
        -Steph (team member)

        1. Steph, I’ve had the second opinion and diagnosis of de novo metastatic carcinoma with bone marrow metasteses is confirmed. I began treatment with anaprozole, Kisqali will be added (if I can figure out how to pay for it) and I will have an infusion of Zometa Oct 27th.

          I have chronic pain and constant fatigue, so I really hope the meds will help. I have a prescription for tramadol, but am trying not to use it.

          Thank you for checking on me.

          1. of course!!

            I am so sorry to hear your second opinion brought up a different route for diagnosis.
            Definitely discuss options with your health insurance as far as payments go, and see if there’s a social worker you can get connected with. They can help line up options and hopefully some funding as well. (The pink fund helps folks in active treatment, that’s a great place to start!)

            My heart goes out to you, friend- that pain is a tough one!!! I used a LOT of CBD before my surgery for bone pain- that might be helpful! Tylenol before zometa, and then around the clock if you can. That will help IMMENSELY for the first infusion, and ask them to push it over 30 min instead of 15 min.

            I know that’s a ton of info all in one place! I hope some of it has been helpful. Hang in there, Trish. Sending you lots of love from the PNW!

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