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Have you changed your career path since your diagnosis?

It can be difficult to maintain our careers when we're hit with metastatic breast cancer. Some people have had to completely change careers because of all the doctors' appointments and surgeries. What has been your experience, have you had to change your career since your initial diagnosis?

  1. I currently work at a HS as a classroom aid and since my diagnosis, it has been harder to maintain my career. I understand mask wont be "required" forever, so I told my job this would be my last year. Going to do things for myself and file for SSDI. I feel this is the best decision 😀

    1. I currently work as a classroom aid too, @mrs.bheathain. I love it. I can imagine it is difficult to let this job go, but it is understandable why you need to. Hugs, Shayla (, Team Member)

    2. thanks! I just feel it's too much of a risk to my health. Especially now that mask are no longer required

  2. Too many of us have found that a metastatic diagnosis left us jobless - not because of our illness, but because of the cost of care. Our employers were no longer willing to pay our astronomical health care costs.... and who can entirely blame them? When I shared with my boss that I would require more treatment, I was told "we've done enough for you.... You have two weeks." Other places I applied told me "absolutely not" - do not apply or withdraw your application so we don't all go through a similar, painful process. Social media is full of such stories. Some are fortunate enough to have employers who are supportive. Too many of us are not so lucky. I would be interested to hear from others who have faced challenges maintaining employment because of the cost of care.

    1. @lumpie, this is so heart-breaking but you speak the truth. This happens a lot. I am so sorry that you have experienced this. Shayla (, Team Member)

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