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A pair of pink fuzzy slippers and a canvas bag filled with strawberry flavored water, a crossword puzzle book, and a package of snacks, cheese, crackers, grapes.

Prepping for an Infusion

There is only so much information I can absorb at a new medication teach. Most of the time, these meeting type-situations occur after spending hours on whatever floor you are most familiar with at the clinic.

A lot of these meetings have so much information in them; it can be hard to keep up. One very kind nurse told me that before getting my first Zometa infusion, take Tylenol.

Here are some more things I do now that I have had a few more of these infusions.

Before the infusion

I’m pretty sensitive to anything pumped into my body, so I tend to require a little more prep work than some. I try to make sure my blankets are washed and everything in my apartment is relatively clean, so I can really live in my space for the days after an infusion. Hydration is key for the days leading up to the appointment days, as well as the days following.

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Always make sure to have whatever is your favorite comfort food handy, as well as your favorite way to hydrate. Easy to make meals are really good to have prepped up, especially for families! Costco has so many great options for stuff like that, and it makes dinner decisions (or indecisions) super easy.

Day of the infusion

On the morning of infusion day, I take Tylenol and continue to take it around the clock. This helps keep those flu-like symptoms at bay. I continue with my hydration plan and pack my bag for the clinic. I’m sure we are all familiar with a good clinic bag, and I’ll share what I usually have below:

  • Phone, with a charging cord and charging brick
  • My hydration beverage of choice, in a fun cup/water bottle
  • Headphones for Audible or a movie on the iPad
  • Fidget toy of choice (mine right now is a cloth maze)
  • A couple of snacks (granola bar, fruit snacks, etc.)
  • Instant ice pack (for my vasovagal nerve responses)
  • Tylenol
  • Sometimes, if I’m feeling extra antsy, I will bring my Nintendo Switch

I like to have everything handy, especially these days at my new clinic. I have been attending appointments alone, and I like to make sure I have everything I need so that I am comfortable throughout my time in the clinic.

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Recovery time

Whatever your binge show of choice is, queue it up, friend, because rest is very important in the following days. Make sure to continue hydrating and keep up with the Tylenol. I had to pause my infusion schedule because I had dental work done, so this last infusion was a bit of a doozy. I missed a dose by a couple of hours, and I definitely felt it.

Definitely chat with your doctor about the best fever suppressant is best for your body because sometimes Tylenol isn’t the right choice for everyone. I also use medical marijuana for the nausea that comes with infusions, and that isn’t right or available for everyone, either. Some anti-nausea meds can be requested, or ginger and peppermint can be used as well.

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