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A woman crouches over a yoga mat, holding a TV remote as she chooses a yoga YouTube tutorial to watch on her TV, which is sitting on a TV stand in front of her

How To Stay Active Indoors During The Winter

Let's face it. It's hard enough to stay active under the most perfect conditions. But you add cancer treatment, surgery, cold winter temperatures, and a pandemic..and let's just say it's a bit challenging.

However, staying active indoors during the winter isn't impossible. It just takes an open mind, some creativity, as well as the ability to incorporate these activities into your daily routine.

Editor’s Note: As always, please check with your health care provider prior to doing any exercise and consider any physical limitations.

Exercise for advanced breast cancer

Gentle yoga

This is probably the easiest and least expensive activity that one can do indoors during the winter. There are thousands of yoga videos to choose from online, many of which are free (especially on YouTube). You can buy a simple yoga mat on Amazon, and just keep it rolled up next to the couch so it's easily accessible. Depending upon where you are in your cancer experience, you can go full force and do very active yoga classes, or opt for slower and gentler ones if you're just getting active again.

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There are some really great spin bikes and virtual spin classes out there, but they can be expensive. Try buying a spin bike online, there many under $400. There are also free spin classes online, or some that are available for a small fee. Put on your favorite music, or oftentimes the instructors play really upbeat music! The Peloton app without bike rental is around $12 per month and has filtering options which include music. So if you're into country music, you can spin to it....and if rock is more your can spin to that too!


I first discovered rowing when I was taking Orange Theory classes. I never realized what a great, full-body workout it really is! If you look around online, you can find rowing machines between $200-$300. Still much cheaper than a gym membership. The best part? You can set it upright in front of the TV, so instead of hitting the couch, you can hit the rower while you binge-watch your favorite Netflix series!

Free weights

Keep free weights by your couch, and enjoy some lightweight arm reps while you watch your favorite movie.

Dance party

This one is my personal favorite! Put on your favorite songs and dance in the kitchen, the living room....wherever you'd like! Or head on over to TikTok and learn a new dance routine, there are tons of step-by-step tutorials there. You'll break a nice sweat in no time.

Use your stairs

If you have a flight of stairs, walk or jog up and down them a few times. Make a game out of it with family members, and see who can go up and down the fastest (but be safe)!

No matter which activity you decide to do, just do it! You'll feel much better, as movement is a great way to make you feel better during the long and cold winter months.

How are you staying active?

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