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Living in the Moment, My Future Is Now!

In July 2015 during aggressive chemotherapy for stage 2 ER/PR positive invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer, I developed mild wheezing. In Sept 2015, the mild wheezing lead to a CT scan. (I’m still told the wheezing is not related to my lungs!)

At this time a tiny “something” was seen by the radiologist on one of my lungs which lead to CT scans every 6 months. After exactly two years of monitoring my lungs, I now had small bilateral lung nodules. A few grew larger in size and could be safely biopsied.

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Stage 4 breast cancer diagnosis

After a grueling lung surgery to remove a small wedge of my lung with the largest nodule on it, my biggest fear was confirmed. My breast cancer had traveled to my lungs. Most likely de novo stage 4 from initial diagnosis.

My soul was crushed My thoughts immediately went to my beautiful daughter who had just turned one. A daughter I fought years to have and finally achieved this dream with successfully making 5 embryos and a friend offering to be my surrogate during my initial diagnosis.

The more I heard it was getting harder to breathe, for the first time since my breast cancer diagnosis I was truly petrified. Petrified I would not see my daughter grow up.

No cure for metastatic breast cancer

I knew there was no cure for metastatic breast cancer. I understood advanced breast cancer was terminal and I would be on some sort of treatment to extend my life until there were no more options. The life expectancy of metastatic breast cancer is 24-36 months on average.

An extremely difficult pill to swallow at 40 years old. Over 5 years out from when they first saw the lung nodule. I feel I have defied the odds and have hope I’ll get more time with my daughter, family & friends. ❤️

This is my story.

Help others feel a little less alone.

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