Kayla Millett
Kayla is a new member to the cancer advocacy community but is passionate and trying her best to be the voice she feels she needed when her partner Steph was diagnosed with MBC in November 2020 after only 9 months of dating. They got married quickly the next year and now live in Arizona. Kayla continues to find her footing as a caregiver, a queer voice, and a health advocate. She believes everyone deserves to be heard. Steph and Kayla have a six-year-old and know the importance of having a support network. Kayla hopes to share more about the caregiving side of MBC and the toll it takes on families.
Kayla loves reading, expressing her love for nature through watercolor and photography, exploring National Parks with her family, and her dog Meeka.
Click here to read all of Kayla's articles on AdvancedBreastCancer.net