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Will you share your experience with advanced breast cancer? Take our In America Survey!

Thank you for your interest. This survey is now closed.

Our 2023 In America Survey provides an opportunity for those living with or caring for someone living with, Advanced Breast Cancer to share how it impacts their lives every day.

  1. The survey appears to be run by Health Union, a private company for creating "health communities" whose data would be used by other private companies. What will be done with the data you gather in this survey? Who will get it and how will they use it?

    1. Hi . Thanks for your questions! Health Union, an independently owned and run organization, is the parent company of The

      After the survey closes each year, will share the responses back to the community and highlight important findings from the survey. You can read the latest In America survey findings in the latest In America infographic (

      I hope this information is helpful and that you will consider taking the survey!

      Warmly, Patty ( Team Member)

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