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What were your initial symptoms of breast cancer that led you to see a doctor?

Whether it was a noticeable change in appearance, sensation, or any other symptom, what clued you in that something wasn't quite right?

  1. Breast dimpling and I could feel one of the two breast tumors.

    1. Hi , thank you so much for taking the time to share with us. How have you been doing since diagnosis? I see you recently joined our community, I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you! We are glad you found us and hope you find our space to be safe and supportive. If we can ever help locate any information or simply provide a listening ear, please don't hesitate to reach out. We care and are here for you. Kindly, Jessica, Team Member

  2. Thanks Jessica. I have been up and down since diagnosis quite honestly. I went to working part time so that I could accommodate all my doctors. Life was not medically simple even before cancer. I haven't had the best of cancer care this last year. Fortunately my PCP is outstanding.
    I just got a second opinion and things are improving. She immediately put me on a Verzenio vacation which has almost cleared up all my GI distress. She plans to lower my dosage when I start back so that is a huge relief. She knows a lot about breast cancer, metastasis, and the meds. She can't fix everything but being heard and hopefully having fewer side effects will certainly fix a lot. In my experience the treatment is far worse than the disease. I have several other chronic conditions that I have lived with for many years plus I am a nurse. It isn't easy but it helps knowing how to manage cancer too. Sorry for the long winded reply.

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